

NOMMA has an Open House eligibility requirement. Any prospective cadet and a parent/guardian must attend an open house to learn about the educational experience and be eligible to apply. 

Step One: Complete the required interest form to register for an Open House. English Version & Spanish Version

Step Two: Prospective cadets and a parent/guardian must attend a mandatory open house.  Open houses are scheduled during the completion of the interest form above. Doors close promptly when the presentation begins.  Please be on time as no one will be admitted once doors close.  Parents must provide a form of photo ID. 

Step Three:  Visit to view NOMMA seat availability. Complete and turn in the seat request form while at Open House to be placed on the waitlist. 

Need Assistance?
Front Office: 504.227.3810 // Email: // Come visit us at 425 O'Bannon St. New Orleans, La 70114

Open Houses currently scheduled:
Thursday, September 5th at 6:00PM

NOMMA Cafeteria
425 OBannon St
New Orleans, La 70114

There will be no late admittance. Any prospective cadet must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.  Due to space limitations, a maximum of 3 people per family will be permitted.    

NOMMA's Enrollment & Recruitment Plan

A MESSAGE FOR ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY FAMILIES:  We always have seats reserved at all times of the year for your 8-12 graders. Please contact us as soon as you know your child is ready to enroll at our school.
Front Office: 504.227.3810 // Email: 

NOLA-PS will notify you as to which school your student has been placed.



The New Orleans Military/Maritime Academy (NOMMA) is a Type 2 charter high school serving students in the New Orleans Metropolitan area. NOMMA is dedicated to the education of high school students, no matter their background or previous school experience. Students at NOMMA study in a focused, college preparatory environment guided by a team of teachers and retired military instructors who bring unparalleled experience to the classroom.