

Col Terry Ebbert, USMC (Ret):

Board President:  Director Public Safety and Homeland Security City of New Orleans

Mr. Arnold Baker

CEO, Black Marlin Marine 


Mr. James Bean Jr.:

CEO, CF Bean LLC, Dredging and Environment Restoration

Mr. Peyton Bush IV:

Board Secretary; Bollinger Enterprises, Chief Investment Officer


Mr. Doug Downing

Board Treasurer; CFO, Canal Barge


Dr. Marcellus Grace, Pharm. D. /CAPT, USNR (Ret)

Former Dean of Xavier School of Pharmacy, Navy Medical Service Corps

MajGen David Mize, USMC (Ret)

Chairman, Mayor’s Military Advisory Committee


Mr. David Welker

Director, HUB Enterprises, Covid-19 Project, former Director, Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, Deepwater Horizon Economic and Property Trust and former Special Agent in Charge, FBI New Orleans.

Past Board Members

Mr. James Reiss

Energy Trader, Howard Weil, Inc

Maj. Blake LeMaire, USAFR

Operations, Besh Restaurant Group

MG. Walter Paulson, USA (Ret)

Director, Services Integration, Entergy Corporation

Mr. Eades Hogue, Esq.

Lawyer, Lemle & Kelleher, L.L.P. Law Firm

Capt. Keith Amacker, USN (Ret)

Dir, Homeland Security Studies, Tulane Univ.

Ms. Courtney Bagneris

Deputy Director of Administration, City of New Orleans

LtGen Jack Bergman, USMC (Ret)

CEO, Wings Technologies

Capt. Dave Whiddon, USN (Ret)

Chief Engineer, Huntington Ingalls Shipbuilding

Ms. Nicole Finkbeiner 

OpenStax, Rice University 

Mr. John Charpentier

CEO, Dawn Services, Offshore Towing


MGySgt Melanie Young, USMC (Ret)

Admin Services, Marine Forces Reserve

LtCol. Thomas G. Shinn, USMC (Ret)

Commercial Banking, Capital One, N.A.

Mr. Hudson Ellis

Owner/Operator, SimplyFit New Orleans

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

January 31st

February 28th

April 24th

May 29th

July 17th

August 28th

October 30th

January 25th

March 29th

April 26th

June 28th

September 20th

October 25th



December 8th 2020



June (Special Meeting)



















Executive Summary

Mission: The mission of the New Orleans Military and Maritime Academy (hereinafter the “Military and Maritime Academy”) is to educate high school students, no matter their background or previous school experience, to fully achieve their personal and academic potential through the acquisition of core knowledge and the skills of analysis, problem-solving, communication, and global responsibility.The Military and Maritime Academy will provide an educational environment based on a model of self discipline that fosters positive behavioral attitudes, builds self- esteem, instills personal responsibility, creates accountability, and teaches ethical decision making. The academy will provide a safe and effective learning institution, providing a learning environment that is conducive to the educational and overall well being of students.The academy will engage student cadets in learning experiences and activities that will enable them to exceed Louisiana state academic goals and tests and to prepare them for post secondary education. The academy will develop and improve student cadet skills in the areas of leadership, citizenship, character development, self discipline, communication, group dynamics, team building, and other related areas. The academy will structure the educational experience in order that student cadets gain the ability to think logically and to communicate effectively.

Academic Philosophy: The Military and Maritime Academy believes that the purpose of education is primarily the development of skills, concepts, knowledge, processes, and attitudes necessary for students to become responsible, productive citizens. The Military and Maritime Academy also recognizes the characteristics that are unique to each individual and will provide a process for development and expression of each student’s innate potential and talents.A standards-based managed curriculum model shall be used to ensure that graduates have had the learning experiences necessary to develop the skills, concepts, knowledge, processes and attitudes that are essential to success in higher education and in the work place.

A standards-based curriculum model is based on the following:

  • All students are capable of achieving at higher levels in learning core academic knowledge provided by formal schooling.
  • Schools, in partnership with parents and the community, have the responsibility of controlling the conditions of success.
  • Schools can maximize the learning environment for all students through explicit and clear objectives, high expectations for all students, and a continuous, balanced assessment of student learning.
  • The instructional process can be adapted to improve learning.
  • Successful student learning must be based on providing meaningful experiences to insure maximum student achievement.

The Military and Maritime Academy’s Junior Reserve Officer’s Training Program (JROTC) Academy will provide a unique learning opportunity for highly motivated students who desire a distinctive educational experience. Established by the National Defense Act of 1916 and expanded in by Congress in 1964, the JROTC program operates within a disciplined military framework to train student cadets in leadership and motivational skills that will serve them during their school years as well as throughout their lives.The Military and Maritime Academy seeks to replicate (with regional and cultural adaptations and even greater academic success) the successful model of the Noble Street Charter School in Chicago, IL.

Public Information Requests: Please email the Principal and Public Custodian of Records, Alexis Long, at or submit an inquiry directly to RECORDS REQUEST, 425 O'Bannon Street New Orleans, La 70114.

Board President:
Col Ebbert, USMC (Ret)

Col Ebbert, USMC (Ret)
425 O'Bannon St
New Orleans, La 70114

School Leader:
Col Chris Schlafer, USMC (Ret)

Col Chris Schlafer
425 O'Bannon St
New Orleans, La 70114

Report Fraud: 
Child Protection Hotline: 1-855-4LA-KIDS or 855-452-5437 
Bullying Hotline: 504-304-5782

Notice of Non-discrimination: The NOMMA School Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

Board Member Requirements



The New Orleans Military/Maritime Academy (NOMMA) is a Type 2 charter high school serving students in the New Orleans Metropolitan area. NOMMA is dedicated to the education of high school students, no matter their background or previous school experience. Students at NOMMA study in a focused, college preparatory environment guided by a team of teachers and retired military instructors who bring unparalleled experience to the classroom.

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