Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam tincidunt nisl ut elit rhoncus, vitae consequat nisi efficitur. Cras tincidunt tempor elit, pellentesque fringilla mi bibendum sed. Nunc quis suscipit nunc. Phasellus scelerisque pharetra quam, at pulvinar metus placerat eu. In bibendum tortor in gravida pharetra. Proin sit amet posuere purus, nec aliquet leo.
The New Orleans Military/Maritime Academy (NOMMA) is a Type 2 charter high school serving students in the New Orleans Metropolitan area. NOMMA is dedicated to the education of high school students, no matter their background or previous school experience. Students at NOMMA study in a focused, college preparatory environment guided by a team of teachers and retired military instructors who bring unparalleled experience to the classroom.